Szczecin to miasto, które oferuje różnorodne smaki kulinarnych podróży. Jednym z takich miejsc jest restauracja Rum Club, szczególnie znana z wyjątkowej potrawy – grillowanej karkówki.

Chuck steak

Immerse yourself in the culinary world of Szczecin, where the Rum Club restaurant is a meeting place for lovers of exquisite cuisine. As soon as you enter, you can smell the melt-in-your-mouth pork neck – a house specialty that has won the hearts of many gourmets. These aromas reflect the true richness and diversity of local culinary art.

See for yourself what this unique restaurant in Szczecin can do!

Szczecin is a city that offers various flavors of culinary travels. One of such places is the Rum Club restaurant, especially famous for its unique dish – grilled pork neck.

The pork neck served at Rum Club is a real culinary masterpiece. The meat is grilled until it is perfectly done. Grilled pork neck has a crispy outside and juicy inside – these are the features that make the taste of this dish unforgettable. The tomato and lime-based sauce adds elegance and freshness to the dish. Tomatoes provide a sweet and sour note, and limes add a citrus accent. But the secret of this sauce are the cocoa beans. Their delicate bitterness goes perfectly with the sweetness of tomatoes and the sharp taste of limes. The next element of the dish is paraboiled fried rice. It is the perfect addition to meat – slightly crispy on the surface, but soft and fragrant inside. The rice absorbs the sauce, becoming even more aromatic. Grilled pork neck served at the Rum Club restaurant in Szczecin is more than just a meal – it is a whole range of flavors packed into one dish.

It is a combination of tradition and modernity, a symphony of flavors that cannot be forgotten.

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RumClub - wyśmienite jedzenie, kilkadziesiąt gatunków Rumów

Rum Club Szczecin & Tiki Bar
al. Wojska Polskiego 49
70-473 Szczecin
+48 576 272 729

[email protected]

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