Ocean is a non-alcoholic cocktail that is becoming a menu favorite for many. It is simple, tasty and perfect for any occasion.
One of the places where you can try this amazing drink is RumClub. One of the places where you can try this amazing drink is RumClub.
Have you ever wondered what makes Ocean taste so special? The secret lies in its ingredients. To prepare the cocktail, you need orange juice and blue curacao syrup. Orange Juice: Orange juice gives this blend a fresh, fruity flavor and natural sweetness. Everything together creates an extraordinary combination of flavors that will provide you with an unforgettable culinary experience. So the next time you visit RumClub in Szczecin or prepare a homemade drink, remember about non-alcoholic Ocean.
Rum Club Szczecin & Tiki Bar
al. Wojska Polskiego 49
70-473 Szczecin
+48 576 272 729
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