Wytrawne pączusie rybne z dorsza i tuńczyka, to prawdziwy majstersztyk kulinarny serwowany w szczecińskiej restauracji Rum Club.
Wytrawne pączusie rybne z dorsza i tuńczyka, to prawdziwy majstersztyk kulinarny serwowany w szczecińskiej restauracji Rum Club.

Fish donuts

We invite you to the world of unique flavors in the heart of Szczecin – the Rum Club Restaurant. In the bustling epicenter of culinary experiences, a real gem of the menu awaits you – Fish donut. This unique dish, where fish is the main character, attracts gourmets from all over the city with its unique flavor and aroma profile. Regardless of whether you are a big seafood fan or are just starting your adventure with seafood – Fish donuts will provide you with an exciting culinary experience from the first bite.

Fish donuts from the Rum Club restaurant is a real delicacy for lovers of sea flavors.

Savory fish donuts made of cod and tuna are a real culinary masterpiece served at the Rum Club restaurant in Szczecin. Prepared on site from the freshest ingredients, this unique dish attracts gourmets from all over the city.
The main attraction is, of course, the fish donuts. We use only the highest quality cod and tuna to prepare them. The fish is carefully seasoned and then covered with delicate dough. Everything is then baked to perfection, ensuring a crispy exterior and a juicy interior. Additionally, we serve root vegetables, which add freshness and color to the dish. They are perfectly composed with fish donuts, creating a harmonious whole. But it’s not over yet! For dessert, we serve essential fish sauce made from crayfish shells. This unique sauce adds depth of flavor and refined character to the dish. It’s literally the icing on the cake of this already perfect dish! Finally, we do not forget about dill – a subtle aromatic accent that connects all the ingredients together and gives them a unique taste. All this makes fish donuts from the Rum Club restaurant in Szczecin a dish worth trying. Welcome to our restaurant – come and see for yourself!

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RumClub - wyśmienite jedzenie, kilkadziesiąt gatunków Rumów

Rum Club Szczecin & Tiki Bar
al. Wojska Polskiego 49
70-473 Szczecin
+48 576 272 729

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